Hi, my name is Ian Lin
I'm a Full-Stack Software Engineer.

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About me

With a master's degree in computer science and three years of experience in Java and C#, I was a software engineer at SYSTEX corp (Taipei, Taiwan), where I design and develop software solutions using .NET Core and Java technologies. I have worked on various projects, such as web applications, mobile applications, and database systems, that have enabled me to hone my skills in object-oriented programming, web development, and Android development. I value collaboration and communication, and I always strive to deliver software projects that meet business objectives and user needs.


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Yard Sale Near Me

YardSaleNearMe is a cutting-edge mobile and web application that seamlessly blends the power of Spring Boot, React, and MySQL to create a user-friendly platform for sharing and discovering yard sale information in your local community. Whether you're a passionate bargain hunter looking for hidden gems or a savvy seller aiming to reach a wider audience, YardSaleNearMe has you covered.

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Ng Todo

Built with Angular and Firebase, designed to facilitate seamless collaboration among multiple users. This application offers a modern and efficient approach to task management, allowing teams to work together effortlessly. With real-time updates, an intuitive Angular-based interface, and the reliability of Firebase's backend, our ToDo app ensures a smooth and synchronized experience.

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